Technology Information: Raymond.CC Blog: “Weaknesses in Windows 7 User Account Control” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “Weaknesses in Windows 7 User Account Control” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “Weaknesses in Windows 7 User Account Control” plus 1 more

Weaknesses in Windows 7 User Account Control

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 12:03 AM PDT

Sorry for the lack of updates from me for the past few days as I was out of town for work. There are some issues waiting for me to take care of but I figured I should post something today. Since Windows Vista, there is a security feature built-in to Windows called User Account Control [...]

New Macintosh Product Rolling Out Late Fall

Posted: 06 Jun 2010 07:30 PM PDT

I know I often don’t report on Apple products because personally, I’m not a fan seeing as I don’t have the money required to buy them. I’ve got quite a few friends that would love to see Apple dominate as an amazing competitor to Microsoft, seeing as Microsoft’s been rather poor describing their strengths recently. [...]


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