Technology Information: 04/18/11

Jamendo Jammap, Marker/Music: Google music map mashups bring the world of music right to you!

Jamendo Jammap, Marker/Music: Google music map mashups bring the world of music right to you!

Jamendo Jammap, Marker/Music: Google music map mashups bring the world of music right to you!

Posted: 17 Apr 2011 06:45 PM PDT

Here are a couple of interesting ways people are using Google Maps for music:

Screenshot of Jammap, featuring music from Brazil, created by Cassioso Oliveira :



"marker/music is an interactive sound and music map created by Darren Solomon, the students and faculty of Northern State University, and members of the community of Aberdeen, South Dakota. From October 18th - 22nd, 2010, the group shot over 70 videos in the area, from which 12 were chosen to be embedded in a custom Google map. The project was inspired by Darren's, and is intended to explore the concept by producing the entire project locally in a single community, rather than through internet-based crowdsourcing." -marker/music website

Google Maps Mania Posts (tagged Music Maps)
(Scroll down for "how-to" information.)

Thanks to Richard Byrne and Julien Llanas for sharing this information!

JavaScript HTML5 iPad Multi-touch Game Controller "How-To" by Seb Lee-Delisle

Posted: 17 Apr 2011 05:47 PM PDT

I'm glad I decided to glance at Twitter today and find a tweet with a link to Seb LeeDesilse's Creatively Digital website.  If you are interested in learning more about HTML5, Canvas, the iPad, multi-touch, etc, the site might be worth taking your time to explore. Here is the link:
Multi-touch game controller in JavaScript HTML5 for iPad (Seb Lee-Delisle, Creatively Digital, 4/15/11)

Seb's post includes the following video, plus sample code:

About Seb Lee-Delisle: "Seb is a digital media consultant and founding partner at award-winning agency Plug-in Media. He specialises in programming creative visual effects and interfaces for games, physics, motion detection, 3D and visual effects (like particle systems). His work has pushed the boundaries of what is possible both on and off the web, and won a BAFTA for the Plug-in Media project Big and Small for the BBC."
"He lectures and runs training courses world-wide and speaks at conferences worldwide such as iDesign, FMX, FITC, Droidcon, Adobe MAX and many others. He blogs at  and tweets at @seb_ly."

Touching and Gesturing in the iPhone
nroberts, Sitepen, July 10, 2008

    For more "how-two" information, check out Seb's tutorials and guides - it looks like his website is a treasure trove of information -  here are a couple of gems:
    3D engine in 10 lines
    HTML5 Canvas 3D Particles
    HTML5 canvas sprite optimisation

    Don't forget to listen to the "Creative Coding" podcasts, a collaboration between Seb Lee-Delisle and Iain Lobb
    Podcast episode 6: openFrameworks, Adobe CS5.5, and multi-touch gaming

    Thanks to Alpay Kasal for the tweet about this link!

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