Technology Information: 06/25/10

Video: DYI Acrylic Multi-touch FTIR Pad - Lo-cost and Stylish (Ann Roudaut, Patrick Baudisch, Christian Holz, and Torsten Becker, Hasso Plattner Institute)

Video: DYI Acrylic Multi-touch FTIR Pad - Lo-cost and Stylish (Ann Roudaut, Patrick Baudisch, Christian Holz, and Torsten Becker, Hasso Plattner Institute)

Video: DYI Acrylic Multi-touch FTIR Pad - Lo-cost and Stylish (Ann Roudaut, Patrick Baudisch, Christian Holz, and Torsten Becker, Hasso Plattner Institute)

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 01:45 PM PDT

I came across the following video and link when I visited Jonathan Brill's Multi-touch Maven blog.  The multi-touch project was developed as part of the Patric Baudisch's Human Computer Interaction Research class at the Hasso Plattner Institute.

Detailed directions, along with pictures, can be found on the Designer Multi-touch Pad website. From there, you can download the OpenCV source code, which requires Microsoft's Visual Studio, from the project's website, along with a copy of the how-to video,  a nice shopping list, and references.

-Hasso Plattner Institut
This is what graduate students and post-docs play with!

An easy way to build your own multi-touch surface
-Jonathan Brill

CCC/CRA Roadmapping for Interactive Technology: Series of 3 Game Changing Workshops

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 02:03 AM PDT

The following information is from the CCC/CRA Roadmapping for Interactive Technologies website, describing an upcoming series of three three-day workshops that I think have the potential for changing the way interactive technology is designed and implemented in the future:

"The modern computing experience is shaped by the ways in which people interact with their computers. Underlying that interaction are the technologies of input, sensing, interactive techniques and interactive architecture. This is a series of workshops that will create a research agenda for revolutionizing these foundational technologies."


Interactive System Architecture - August 11-13, 2010 - Jackson, WY

Dan Olsen - Brigham Young University  

The last few decades have produced many new interactive technologies and many interactive techniques. Few of them are making their way into actual use because they are so hard to integrate. This workshop will create an agenda for new architectures for building interactive systems that integrate basic interaction in powerful new ways and provide new opportunities and foundations on which to build usable systems.

Persuasive Experiences - September 23-25, 2010 - Burbank, CA

Joe Marks - Disney Research

A culture is defined by its shared stories and the messages that people communicate with each other. Computing has created new ways for stories to be told in entertainment and education. This workshop will outline how we can bring digital storytelling from the realm of multimillion dollar productions down to the practical needs of everyday social, educational and political discourse.

Ultra-large-scale Interaction - October 25-27, 2010 - Chicago, IL

Mark Ackerman - University of Michigan

A byproduct of the Internet's success is that large numbers of people can interact with each other and with large stores of loosely interconnected data. This workshop will create an agenda for interactions that involve thousands of participants.
NOTE:  Organizers for the Interactive System Architecture Workshop include Dan Olsen, from Brigham Young University, Andy Wilson, from Microsoft Research, and Celine Latulipe, from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte.  (Dr. Latulipe was my HCI professor.)  Joe Marks is a VP at Disney Research.  The organizers for the Ultra-large Scale Interaction Workshop include Mark Ackerman and Mark Newman, from the University of Michigan, Keith Edwards, from Georgia Tech, and Scott Klemmer, from Stanford.

I'd really like to attend all three workshops.  I will try to learn all I can about these workshops and share what I find during periodic blog posts over the next several months.

Links on the CCC/CRA Website
Workshop Attendence Information


Interactive System Architecture Workshop

Aug 11-13, 2010
Submit: June 14

Persuasive Experiences Workshop

Sept 23-25, 2010
Submit: July 1

Ultra-large-scale Interaction Workshop

Oct 25-27, 2010
Submit: July 19


CCC Liason: Elizabeth Mynatt - Georgia Tech

The Slide in the Subway, The Rocket Elevator, and the Skateboard- Propelled Shopping Cart Videos - Volkswagen's Fast Lane: True Use Experience (just in case you missed it all)

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 08:10 AM PDT

Via Pixelsumo -Just in case you missed this:

Here's a few others you'll enjoy.  The true meaning of user experience, out and about!

The Elevator

The Shopping Cart- I love the ending with the guy skateboard-propelling his shopping cart out to the parking lot!

SIGGRAPH and INTEL's Visual Adrenaline: Look what I found in my email today about 3D lighting, UV's, and dynamic volumetric cloud rendering for games!

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 02:05 AM PDT

I thought I'd share a few links sent to me via Intel's Software Dispatch for Visual Adrenaline about the upcoming ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 conference. The links are to well-written "how-to" articles in pdf format.

"To keep your adrenaline pumping while waiting for SIGGRAPH to start, here's a few juicy bits of inspiration:

"Simulating Real-world Film Lighting Techniques in 3D. Light, shadows, and rendering play together to create realism in your 3D models. Learn to bring these art techniques into your 3D scenes to create compelling cinematic views."
"Creating UVs for Characters in Autodesk Maya*. Regardless of whether you're using a model in a real-time environment or as part of a rendered sequence, here are some tips and tricks to making UV mapping work efficiently."
"Dynamic Volumetric Cloud Rendering for Games on Multi-Core Platforms. Learn how the LuckyCloud demo implemented a solution for real-time dynamic simulation and illumination of clouds that didn't impact performance during game play."
By the way, the conference will be held from July 25-29 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Raymond.CC Blog - Gufw – An Easy To Use Firewall for Linux

Raymond.CC Blog - Gufw – An Easy To Use Firewall for Linux

Gufw – An Easy To Use Firewall for Linux

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 07:30 PM PDT

I’m aware that recently I’ve covered a lot of security posts for Windows, so today I’m going to share some advice for the Linux users. Unlike Windows, at this point, there is no need for an antivirus, though there are some solutions that presently exist, such as BitDefender for Unix, Avast for Linux, as well [...]

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