Technology Information: 05/23/11

Quick link: Edublogger Bill Ferriter's posts about technology and education

Quick link: Edublogger Bill Ferriter's posts about technology and education

Quick link: Edublogger Bill Ferriter's posts about technology and education

Posted: 22 May 2011 07:09 PM PDT

I just discovered edublogger Bill Ferriter's blog, "The Tempered Radical" today. He is a fellow North Carolinian who is part of the Teacher Leaders Network. He teaches 6th grade science at a middle school.

Here are a couple of his posts:

Lessons Learned on Cell Phones in School
How Limited Technology Budgets Failed My Students

Raymond.CC Blog - Best Practices in Using LastPass Cloud Based Password Manager

Raymond.CC Blog - Best Practices in Using LastPass Cloud Based Password Manager

Best Practices in Using LastPass Cloud Based Password Manager

Posted: 23 May 2011 12:00 AM PDT

I used to use Sxipper because Firefox built-in password manager lacks of features. However Sxipper development has stopped and it doesn’t support Firefox 4 which forces me to look for another password manager. Choosing the best password manager can be tough as there are many available to download. Other than managing or keeping your password, [...]

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