Technology Information: 09/06/09

Re-Enable Brings Back Run, Task Manager, Regedit, CMD, Folder Options and System Restore

One of our forum member tangomouse has created a nice and simple tool called Re-Enable to help us re-enable disabled Task Manager, Registry Editor, Command Prompt, Folder Options and even System Restore configuration that is normally caused by virus. Honestly the tool that I’ve been using to do this is Remove Restriction Tool v1.03 but now the latest version of RRT has grown so much that I’d say it’s a little too bloated. I just needed a simple tool that does the job and doesn’t have all those flashy interface that sometimes I can’t run on a virus infected computer. This project started off to help another forum member but somehow it ended up in Softpedia and now in this blog.

As you can see at the screenshot below, it’s a no brainer to use this tool. All you need to do is put a check on the checkbox that you want to enable and click the Enable button. The disable feature will be instantly enabled or if not, a reboot would do the trick. Please make sure that the computer is free from virus or else the changes made by this tool will not be effective and there is no end to enabling/disabling competition between you and the virus.

Re-enable is coded in .NET but doesn’t need .NET installed because .NET dependencies are included in the program making it fully portable. That is why a single file is in 36.7MB. However if you working on a computer that already have .NET framework installed, then you can just use the 64KB version instead.

This product was last tested in the Softpedia Labs on 1st of September 2009 by Cosmin Anton and they guarantee that Re-Enable Portable is 100% Clean, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors. Re-Enable is only in version 1 and I am sure that it can be improved with a couple more features without making it too bloated.

[ Download Re-Enable With .NET | Without .NET ]

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