Technology Information: 01/05/11

Interactive Display with QR Tag: Close Encounter at the Orlando Airport

Interactive Display with QR Tag: Close Encounter at the Orlando Airport

Interactive Display with QR Tag: Close Encounter at the Orlando Airport

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:17 AM PST

I always like to try out technology in public spaces when I travel.  Imagine my excitement when I was presented with my first opportunity to try out my tag app on my Incredible while I was waiting for my baggage to arrive after my flight from Charlotte to Orlando...

On first glance, the location of this display near the rest rooms and baggage claim area makes sense. Travelers can access information about things to do in North Port from their Smartphones by scanning the QR tag with a tag reader app while they wait for their baggage.

Info display at the Orlando airport with a QR tag.

Poorly situated info dispay at thr Orlando airport

To my dismay, my interaction with this display and my tag reader app was not enjoyable. 

Because the tag was located at the bottom of the display, I had to set aside my carry-on bags, purse,etc., and kneel front of it to center my smartphone precisely at the tag.  The display was on the wall between the restrooms, a convenient gathering point for people. Little kids darted around me, and parents used this spot to re-organize their family's "stuff".  As I tried to scan the tag, a dad had to ask his son to move back, "so the lady could take a picture". 

I was blocking the path of families and groups of travelers with all of their stuff.  I gave up trying after a while, much to the relief of my husband, who watched all of this as he waited for our baggage.

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