Technology Information: 09/09/10

A few interesting links - Innovative Interactivity on Google's "Life In A Day"; rb.trends "Mind Music"; Strombergs Blog "The Future of TV, Augmented and Social"

A few interesting links - Innovative Interactivity on Google's "Life In A Day"; rb.trends "Mind Music"; Strombergs Blog "The Future of TV, Augmented and Social"

A few interesting links - Innovative Interactivity on Google's "Life In A Day"; rb.trends "Mind Music"; Strombergs Blog "The Future of TV, Augmented and Social"

Posted: 09 Sep 2010 02:44 AM PDT

"Life In A Day" documentary aggregates user submitted videos via YouTube (Innovative Interactivity)

Mind Music   (rb.trends)

The Future of TV, Augmented and Social   (Strombergs Blog)

(Lots of stuff to blog about, little time to write!)

Raymond.CC Blog - Interesting HTML5 Demos that will have you excited for the future

Raymond.CC Blog - Interesting HTML5 Demos that will have you excited for the future

Interesting HTML5 Demos that will have you excited for the future

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 07:35 PM PDT

As most of us are away, HTML and CSS are simply some of the best things in the world: after all, without them, where on Earth would we be? We wouldn’t have the world wide web , we wouldn’t learn about new software, heck, I’m pretty sure some of us would just die. So to [...]

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