Technology Information: 03/29/11

The New Media Consortium Needs Examples of K-12 Tech. Innovations for the 2011 NMC Horizon Report

The New Media Consortium Needs Examples of K-12 Tech. Innovations for the 2011 NMC Horizon Report

The New Media Consortium Needs Examples of K-12 Tech. Innovations for the 2011 NMC Horizon Report

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 05:26 PM PDT

The following information was taken from the New Media Consortium website. The deadline is April 1st - sorry for the late notice - it came across my path just today:

"We are pleased to announce that the Advisory Board for the 2010 NMC Horizon Report: K12 Edition has selected the six topics for this year's report:
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less  * Cloud Computing * Mobiles
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years * Game-Based Learning * Open Content
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years * Learning Analytics * Personal Learning Environments
Call for Examples
We are interested in learning about any kind of research, pilot programs, innovative projects, or faculty work happening at your school in any of the six areas listed above. (See the attached 2011 NMC Horizon Report: K12 Edition Preview of the topics for more details.) Our goal is to help readers understand the potential impact of these technologies and their applications on teaching, learning, or creative inquiry.
How to Participate
If you know of examples we could include, please use the brief web form at  to tell us about them. We ask for a title, a URL, and a one- or two-sentence description; you also will need to select which of the six topics your example falls under. The process takes about two minutes. We hope to have your examples by Friday, April 1, but no matter what, we'd love to hear about what you are doing. The url above is always open to pointers to great projects."
Thanks to Liz Dorland for the link!

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