Technology Information: 09/11/10

For Techies and the Tech Curious: A Few Links - IEEE Multimedia Innovations, Surface Computing, Usability, and Computer Education Research

For Techies and the Tech Curious: A Few Links - IEEE Multimedia Innovations, Surface Computing, Usability, and Computer Education Research

For Techies and the Tech Curious: A Few Links - IEEE Multimedia Innovations, Surface Computing, Usability, and Computer Education Research

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 09:42 PM PDT

IEEE Multimedia magazine online  
July-September 2010 Issue:  Multimedia Innovations
"This special issue addresses the notion that multimedia is a compelling field that provides a driving force behind most of today's technology innovations."

Games Only Scratch the Surface:  A Challenge for Developers Lou Silverstein, Identity Mine
In this article, Lou Silverstein discusses the latest news about Microsoft Surface and encourages developers to think about joining a dialogue on this topic.

This article is a gentle reminder, written for developers of traditional productivity software,  about the importance of usability and understanding non-technical users.

Why does the UK and Sweden take Computing Education Research more seriously than US? Mark Guzdial, Blog@cacm (Communications of the ACM)

In this article, Mark Guzdial discusses some of the trends in computer education research outside of the US and shares his discovery of the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Computer Science

Two years ago I wrote a post about touch-screen & surface computing - were still not there yet, although interactive tables are showing up in more places:

Interactive Touch-Screen Technology, Participatory Design, and "Getting It"

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