Technology Information: 05/23/10

Video and Links about Google TV : Another Flavor of Android - "Google TV brings everything you love about the web to your television"

Video and Links about Google TV : Another Flavor of Android - "Google TV brings everything you love about the web to your television"

Video and Links about Google TV : Another Flavor of Android - "Google TV brings everything you love about the web to your television"

Posted: 22 May 2010 10:40 AM PDT

"Google TV brings everything you love about the web to your television"


Transcript of the Google TV video:

"Back when there were only a few networks, watching TV was pretty simple.  You turned on the TV, and if you didn't like what was playing, you changed the channel. But these days, TV can be pretty complicated. Figuring out what you want to watch is hard enough, and that's only the beginning. Once you've chosen a program, you have to figure out when it's playing, and which of hundreds of channels it's on.  It's like you have to change your schedule to fit your TV's schedule.  In fact, many of us end up watching videos on the web, because it is easier to find things that you want.  I mean think about it, more and more of our favorite shows and videos are showing up online these days, and you can get to them really easily, whenever you want, just by typing in what you're looking for."

"The problem is, these smaller screens don't really compare to our home entertainment systems.  Which leads us to a pretty big question:   If the web is so smart, and our TVs are so fun to watch, why do we have to choose?  Why can't they work together?   

"Well, now they can.  Introducing Google TV.  Google TV brings everything you love about the web to your television. Some new TVs will come with it built-in, or you can get a separate box for the TV you already own. Either way, the way it works is very simple. Right on your TV screen, you simply type in what you're looking for...anything you're looking for, and Google TV will find it."

"It's basically an entertainment hub that searches all of your channels, recorded shows, YouTube, and other web sites. If you find something you like, you can add it to your home screen where you will always see your favorite channels, shows, websites, even music playlists and photo albums. That way, you can get to things really quick.  And with a full web browser, you get unlimited access to the entire Internet, so you can do stuff like browse photos or update your status.  And that's just scratching the surface."

"By opening up your TV to all of the improvements and innovation that the web has to offer, Google TV will make your TV smarter and easier to use.  So you'll be able to spend a lot less time finding what you want, and a lot more time watching what you want."

Here is some information from the Google TV website:

Google TV is coming to a living room near you.
Learn about the partners we're working with.
Visit SonyLogitech and Intel.
Optimize your web apps for Google TV.
Android SDK coming soon. Learn more.
Google TV is a new experience made for television that combines the TV you know and love with the freedom and power of the Internet. Watch an overview video below, sign up for updates, and learn more about how to develop for Google TV.

More Information about Google TV from Google

"Google TV is a new experience for television that combines the TV that you already know with the freedom and power of the Internet. With Google Chrome built in, you can access all of your favorite websites and easily move between television and the web. This opens up your TV from a few hundred channels to millions of channels of entertainment across TV and the web. Your television is also no longer confined to showing just video. With the entire Internet in your living room, your TV becomes more than a TV — it can be a photo slideshow viewer, a gaming console, a music player and much more."

Related Google TV News and Links
Tom Krazit, CNET News  5/20/2010
Tom Krazit, CNET News  5/20/2010

Google tries where others failed: shaking up TV biz
Yinka Adegoke and Jennifer Saba, Reuters  5/21/10
Google Introduces Google TV, New Android OS
Priya Ganapati, Gadget Lab, Wired 5/20/10
Sony Internet TV
Logitec and Google TV
Logitec Google TV Box Will Have Special Powers
Matt Buchanan, Gizmodo, 5/20/10
Google Combines TV, Android, and All of the Internet
Jason Chen, Gizmodo, 5/20/10

Picture of Google TV Box, from Gizmodo:

Google TV Combines TV, Android and All of the Internet

I wonder what the user interface will be for navigating around Google TV.   This just might be the opportunity for a next-gen universal remote control to emerge.   I hope so, because I've had usability issues with the current state of my remote controls and my DVR +  HDTV viewing experiences.

FYI:   A few of my previous posts related to remote controls, web-browsing on HD TV's, and so on:

Usability of a Remote Control
The UX of ITV:  The User Experience and Interactive TV (or Let's STamp Out Bad Remote Controls)
WebTaps HDTV and Touch-Screen Web Browser:  Share the view of the web on your couch!
Silverpac's Multi-touch website, by Ciplex features Evolution 5500, a user-freindly universal remote control, using Wiindows 7 SlideShow
Jonathan Kessler's Hand Eye Technologies:  Coordinating your cell phone with Interactive TV
An Example of Convergence:  Interactive TV:  uxTV 2008


Maybe a something like the iPad app below will be created for a slate-application for Google TV?

Remote Control News:  Comcast Shows Off Sweet iPad Remote Control Prototype
comcast ipad app

This application supports socializing remotely via your the video to see how it works:

Xfinity Remote Powered by Comcast (on an iPad)

Tools to check your Internet Connection Speed - Upload and download speed Test

Tools to check your Internet Connection Speed - Upload and download speed Test

Tools to check your Internet Connection Speed - Upload and download speed Test

Posted: 22 May 2010 03:39 AM PDT

How to check my Internet Connection Speed - download and upload speed

How many of you are actually checking whether you are getting the actual Internet speed offered by your Internet Service Provider ? Do you know your actual Internet download speed and Uploading speed ? If you are not sure about the actual speed of your Internet connection, there are many free online tools available to check the Internet connection speed. You can use these free speed checkers to confirm your available Internet speed.

Free Internet Speed Testers

If you are looking for a way to increase your Internet Speed click on the link below.

Increase my Internet connection speed

Some of the free Internet speed testing tools are:

1. Bandwidth Place - Internet Speed Test

This is an online Internet Speed Tester to find both your download speed and upload speed. To start your Internet speed test simply go to the link below and click on Start Test button.

See the result below.

Check my Internet connection speed- download speed and upload speed

2. Speedtest - Internet Speed Test

Another Internet speed testing tool is:

 Speed checker for your Internet connection

3.Speed test by Speakeasy

This is another Internet speed checker.

Broadband speed check

There are so many other free Internet speed checkers are available. So always check your actual download speed and upload speed using these tools and never blindly believe your ISP.

Related Topics

1. How to check the connectivity issues in your Local network

2. Cannot go online-Basic troubleshooting steps

Technology Blog

Raymond.CC Blog - Open Source Gaming – Week Four – Strategy Games

Raymond.CC Blog - Open Source Gaming – Week Four – Strategy Games

Open Source Gaming – Week Four – Strategy Games

Posted: 22 May 2010 07:30 PM PDT

And so ends a long week that I know for one, didn’t plan for it to be so long. Tomorrow at around this time, I know I’ll be pulling up a seat and watching a re-run of tonight’s episode of Doctor Who, as I relax and smile, and wish you all well. Like I always [...]

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