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Michael Ogawa, Data Visualization Researcher, VIDI (UC Davis)

Michael Ogawa, Data Visualization Researcher, VIDI (UC Davis)

Michael Ogawa, Data Visualization Researcher, VIDI (UC Davis)

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 04:27 PM PDT

I followed a link today to Michael Ogawa's website and blog. He's a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science department at the University of California at Davis, where he participates in research with the VIDI (Visualization and Interface Design Innovation) group.

Here is a description of Michael's research, quoted from his site:

"My research focus is in software visualization. I am interested in bringing to light the efforts of software developers: How they work together on projects effectively to create some of the largest and most complex systems in the world. Complementary to that goal, I am also interested in designing visually appealing applications that capture an emotional aspect not seen in charts and graphs." -Michael Ogawa
I haven't fully explored Owaga's website, but it looks interesting.  Here is a video I found on his site of T.S. Elliot reading the "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock".  The visualization of the poem is interpreted by Open Wordle, an open source library for Processing, available at

Owaga is known for his work on the Code_Swarm project, "an experiment in organic software visualization". Below is a visualization of the commit history of the Eclipse IDE project:

code_swarm - Eclipse (short ver.) from Michael Ogawa on Vimeo.
(Music: "Orange" by Etherfysh)
Open source code for Codeswarm:
Kwan-Lui Ma, iMichael Ogawa's advisor

News and Publication Links from the VIDI website:

Raymond.CC Blog: “Disable File Transfer Warning for Windows Live Messenger” plus 2 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “Disable File Transfer Warning for Windows Live Messenger” plus 2 more

Disable File Transfer Warning for Windows Live Messenger

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