Technology Information: 04/20/11

Gesture + Multitouch Interactive Media Wall, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 2011 Award of Excellence, Digital Screenmedia Association

Gesture + Multitouch Interactive Media Wall, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 2011 Award of Excellence, Digital Screenmedia Association

Gesture + Multitouch Interactive Media Wall, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 2011 Award of Excellence, Digital Screenmedia Association

Posted: 19 Apr 2011 10:58 AM PDT

Below is a video of an interactive media wall at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, the winner of the  2011 Award of Excellence from the  Digtal Screenmedia Association in the category of Best Government/Education/Non-Profit Agency Deployment.  

Detailed information about the Discovery Wall, including an overview of the technology, objectives of the deployment, and the positive outcomes of his project can be found on the Digital Screenmedia website.   

"Float4 Interactive is a creative technology company that develops interactive systems for entertainment, advertising and design applications."

Interactive technology: Float4 Interactive
Content: Zebra Dog
AV Integration: R2W
Concept: Sensory Interactive

DISCOVERY WALL: 10 X 4 Christie MicroTiles
5496 X 1650 resolution
Gesture + MultiTouch Interaction
2 X RealMotion Servers

ENTRANCE PORTAL 17 X 2 Christie MicroTiles
9824 X 866 resolution
Multi-Zone Gesture Interaction
2 X RealMotion Servers

Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery: 2011 Excellence Award, Architainment 
Live Design, 3/21/10
Architainment Examples
Christie MicroTiles Drive Fan Experience at new Nascar Hall of Fame
Nascar Hall of Fame (I live in the Charlotte area, so I'll visit the Nascar Hall of Fame soon and check out the Christie MicroTiles display soon!)
Miami Dolphins Choose Montreal's Arsenal Media and Float4 Interactive for Fan-Focused Interactive Wall at SunLife Stadium (BuzzWall) Arsenal Media, 12/16/10

Link: Where Digital Signage Software is Going - interesting thoughts about DOOH from Dave Haynes of Sixteen:Nine

Posted: 19 Apr 2011 09:37 AM PDT

Mathematica 8: Resources, free online seminars, plus TED-talk video: "Teaching kids real math with computers"

Posted: 19 Apr 2011 06:12 AM PDT

I admit it.  Once in a while, I wake up after having a dream with a re-occurring theme of algorithms, technology, and programming.  It happened again this morning, inspiring me to take a look at the Wolfram Mathematica website. 

Here are a few on-line seminars I might take a look at soon:

"To give a broad overview of the major new features in Mathematica 8, including free-form linguistic input and Wolfram|Alpha integration, probability and statistics, finance, control systems, graphs and networks, improved image processing, wavelet analysis, C code generation, and more, using example-driven material."

Statistics and Data Analysis with Mathematica 8
Image Processing with Mathematica (Seminar description and registration)

Look at what I found while exploring the Wolfram suite of websites!

TEDGlobal 2010: 
Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers

Mathematica 8 Seminar Calendar
Image Processing and Analysis (Info)
Interface development with Mathematica (I haven't tried this out.)
Here are a few links about the arts and math, from the Wolfram site:
Mathematica and High Fashion
Art Inspires a Lesson in Calculus
Computer Science PRofessor Sculpts Award-Winning Art with Mathematica
Wolfram Tones: An experiment in a new kind of music
Mathematica Music Demonstrations 
Conrad Wolfram
Stephen Wolfram

FYI:  For those of you who are curious to know more about my technology dreams, I plan to devote a few posts about them in the future.   Here's a link to a post I wrote after waking up from a dream about haptic interfaces:

Last night I dreamt about haptic touch-screen overlays...

Raymond.CC Blog - Don’t Sleep Prevent Windows from Standby, Shutdown, Hibernate and Restart

Raymond.CC Blog - Don’t Sleep Prevent Windows from Standby, Shutdown, Hibernate and Restart

Don’t Sleep Prevent Windows from Standby, Shutdown, Hibernate and Restart

Posted: 20 Apr 2011 12:00 AM PDT

By default Windows 7 uses the Balanced power plan to save energy by auto turning off the display when there are no activity for 10 minutes and put the computer to sleep after 30 minutes. Try not moving the mouse and touch the keyboard for 10 minutes and Windows would think you’re away, turning off [...]

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