Technology Information: 05/14/10

Quick Post/Link: digitalculturebooks: New Media Studies & Digital Humanities at University of Michigan

Quick Post/Link: digitalculturebooks: New Media Studies & Digital Humanities at University of Michigan

Quick Post/Link: digitalculturebooks: New Media Studies & Digital Humanities at University of Michigan

Posted: 14 May 2010 02:41 AM PDT

I graduated from the University of Michigan years ago and would have been thrilled to participate in a project such as the new "digitalculturalbooks".  Sadly, the my undergraduate education pre-dated the internet and the explosion of engaging technologies!  

Here is information about digitalculturebooks from the "about" section of the website, via graduate student Jonathan Tarr:

digitalculturebooks is an imprint of the University of Michigan Press and the Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan Library dedicated to publishing innovative work in new media studies and the emerging field of digital humanities. digitalculturebooks seeks to explore all aspects of new media and its impact on society, culture, and scholarly communication and will present work that exhibits and advances the understanding of the relationship between humanities and digital technologies. The imprint aspires to both investigate and demonstrate new forms of scholarly practice in the humanities.
digitalculturebooks is an experimental publishing strategy with a strong research component. By making our content available in print and online, we intend to:
  • develop an open and participatory publishing model that adheres to the highest scholarly standards of review and documentation;
  • develop a model for press/library collaboration at Michigan and elsewhere;
  • showcase and extend Michigan's leading role in the development of digital resources;
  • encourage and participate in a national dialogue about the future of scholarly communication.

CXGames 9.0 - Hands on Review

CXGames 9.0 - Hands on Review

CXGames 9.0 - Hands on Review

Posted: 13 May 2010 12:54 PM PDT

Back on October of last year I did a comparison of Cedega and CXGames. As of yesterday Codeweavers launched their CXGames 9.0. If we had heard any news or updates from Cedega in the last five months this would be an updated comparison, but since Cedega has not changed I simply am going to be reviewing the newly released CXGames.

The first thing you will notice when using CXGames 9.0 if you had used past versions is that the GUI has under gone a refreshing change.

Application Installer:

Bottle Manager:One of the key things you will notice when installing a game is that there are now "profiles" built in for games. Officially supported games have a profile as well currently a handful of other games. Similar to how Cedega works people can now submit the Wine settings they use to successfully run a game to Codeweavers so others can replicate these settings with a single click from the installer. With the number of users Codeweavers has accumulated over the years I have no doubt that we will soon see profiles for the multitude of gold and silver rated unsupported applications listed in the Codeweaver's data base.

New GUI, game profiles, what else is new in CXGames 9.0? A much needed Wine version upgrade has been added to this release. CXGames is based off of the recently released Wine 1.1.42. If you are not aware newer Wine versions often times include many bug fixes that can allow applications that had failed to run under Wine in the past to suddenly start working. The benefit of purchasing commercial Wine software such as CXGames is that while you gain all the benefits of an updated Wine version you do not have to worry about experiencing any regressions that may have found their way into the Wine base.

From a gamer's aspect the most important thing about this new release is added support for the recently released Steam GUI. The new interface for the Steam content delivery service I find runs much better under CXGames 9.0 than the old Steam interface ever ran under past Crossover versions. CXGames 9.0 also advertises added support for StarTrek Online and the Starcraft 2 Beta. There is a profile under "unsupported applications" for StarTrek, I am not much of an MMO guy so I have not tested this game yet. Upon searching for an entry for Starcraft 2 you will not find one, on the Crossover forums one of the staff makes the claim that it just works OOTB when selecting "install other application". I can confirm this is not the case. By default SC2 crashes at upon startup, after some tweaking I have it at least showing me a loading screen (even though it freezes with no terminal output).

Finally I always like to mention cost, CXGames 9.0 continues to be 40$ (this includes one year of support and updates). Overall CXGames 9.0 is another great release in a fantastic product line. The GUI updates are for the better, the game profiles work well, and a newer Wine version is always appreciated. If you are a Steam gamer on Linux then CXGames 9.0 is a must have, if Starcraft 2 under Linux is what you are looking for you are going to have to pass on CXGames for the time being - but I have no doubt that by the time SC2 releases at the end of July it will be fully supported under Crossover.

~Jeff Hoogland

Raymond.CC Blog - Jamendo – Legally Free Music for your ears

Raymond.CC Blog - Jamendo – Legally Free Music for your ears

Jamendo – Legally Free Music for your ears

Posted: 13 May 2010 07:32 PM PDT

I’m aware there are a lot of pirates out there in the world, and I’m even more so aware of the problems/solutions they bring to many of our doorsteps. For one, the pirates are destroying the way the music industry works, in that downloading a song and not paying for it ever will cause that [...]

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