Technology Information: 04/11/10

Create Windows 7 Bootable Emergency Repair Disc - Windows 7 Recovery Tool

If you are using Windows 7 on your computer it is the time to think about creating a Windows 7 Recovery Disc for your computer. This bootable Emergency disc can help you to recover your computer in case Windows 7 failed to boot further. Creating a bootable Windows 7 disc is as simple as following few steps given below.

How to Create Windows 7 Recovery Disc

To create a recovery disc for Windows 7 follow the steps below.

1. Click on Start

2. Go to control panel

3. Click on Backup Your Computer
How to setup Windows 7 Emergency Repair Disk

You can find this option under System and Security in Category view.

4. Click on Create a System Repair Disc

You can find this option on the left side of the window.

Now you will be prompted to insert a DVD or CD in your DVD/CD drive and continue the process of creating Windows 7 system repair disc.
Create a bootable System repair disc for Windows 7 on your computer
After inserting the disc on drive ,click on Create disc. You can use this Windows 7 system repair disc when your OS failed to boot your computer.

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