Technology Information: 04/21/11

Interactive Tweet Topic Explorer, by Jeff Clark

Interactive Tweet Topic Explorer, by Jeff Clark

Interactive Tweet Topic Explorer, by Jeff Clark

Posted: 20 Apr 2011 07:12 PM PDT

Thanks to Nathan Yau (FlowingData) for the link!

If you use twitter, you might like exploring Jeff Clark's on-line interactive Tweet Topic Explorer to get a new perspective of your tweets, or the tweets of others. (Just enter the twitter ID in the search box in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.)  
Here is a screenshot of my tweets.

Jeff Clark created this application using Processing.js. According to his blog post, it works well in the Chrome browser, and doesn't work in IE. Jeff is a programmer with an academic background in Applied Physics and Mathematics, and is interested in data mining, statistical analysis, and visualizations. You can learn more about Jeff Clark's work, and visually-inspired thoughts/communication on his Neoformix blog.

Tweet Topic Explorer
Jeff Clark, Neoformix 4/19/11
Word Cluster Diagram
Jeff Clark, Neoformix, 4/18/11
See what you and others tweet about with the Tweet Topic Explorer
Nathan Yau, Flowing Data, 4/20/11

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