Technology Information: Interactive iPad Apps for Kids with Autism: Could some of these be transformed for multi-touch tabletop activities?

Interactive iPad Apps for Kids with Autism: Could some of these be transformed for multi-touch tabletop activities?

Interactive iPad Apps for Kids with Autism: Could some of these be transformed for multi-touch tabletop activities?

Interactive iPad Apps for Kids with Autism: Could some of these be transformed for multi-touch tabletop activities?

Posted: 06 Nov 2010 06:27 AM PDT

I came across a great post about interactive iPad apps for special needs:

Ten Apple iPad Apps to Help Children with Autism
Joanne Carter, MacCreate 11/5/10

In this article,  Joanne Carter shares screen shots and detailed descriptions of a variety of iPad apps that support learning and communication skills of young people with autism.  You can find additional information about the apps discussed in the article by visiting the following links: 

Proloquo2go, Story_Builder, "Off we go" book series, Soundtastic, Visual Impact, Living Safely,  Tapspeak Sequence for iPad, iCommunicate for iPad, Autoverbal Talking Soundboard Pro, Is that Gluten Free?, and I Dress for Weather

I think that some of these apps have the potential to be transformed and tweaked for use on multi-touch, multi-user  tables such as the SMARTTable or Microsoft's Surface.  The aim would be to encourage paired and group communication and social skills among children with special needs.  I'll share my thoughts on this topic in a future post.


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