Technology Information: Tech Fashion: The iPad Murse (Murse = Man Purse)

Tech Fashion: The iPad Murse (Murse = Man Purse)

Tech Fashion: The iPad Murse (Murse = Man Purse)

Tech Fashion: The iPad Murse (Murse = Man Purse)

Posted: 10 Jul 2010 06:05 AM PDT

I'm vacationing this week, but since it is impossible for me to fully pull myself away from tech, I grabbed my husband's arm and made a beeline to the iPad display during our walk around Historic Charleston yesterday.  Nearly every iPad on the display had been temporarily adopted by a kid. All of them wanted one, and it was clear that the interaction design was intuitive for them to use. 

My husband commented that he didn't see what the buzz was all about.  His first comment?  "How would anyone carry this? It is too big for a pocket or a purse!   I pointed out that unlike me, most of the women in the store had huge purses.  Huge fancy purses that could probably hold a bazillion iPads.   (My mind is made up. I need an iPad AND a huge fancy purse.)

I noticed that a dad of one of the iPad-exploring kids was holding an iPad in a zippered case in his hand, so I asked him about it.  It turns out that the guy is a "Virtual IT CIO",  so he knows his stuff.  He said that he loves his iPad and has no problem carrying it around.    Knowing my husband, carrying around the iPad in a case without a handle would be a problem.  A deal-breaker.

I guess that the lack of an iPad Murse (man-purse) is something worth considering.  We all want to project a professional image, right?  I chuckled to myself as I read the following article:
Scott Stein, CNET, 7/9/10

In the article, Stein reviews a variety of "murses" suitable for the iPad and netbooks, including Cocoon's Grid-It 10-inch Harlem Netbook/iPad and Gramercy Messenger slings, Booq's Taipan Slim XS, and STM Bags' Scout Laptop Shoulder Bag.
Searching for an iPad bag isn't easy.
(Credit: Sarah Tew/CNET)

(Credit: waynesuttun12, flickr)

For a smile: The TV Hat video (Via Tracy Swedlow, iTVT)

Posted: 09 Jul 2010 05:15 AM PDT

-Tracy Swedlow, InteractiveTV Today, 7/5/10

Note:  It must be real, since here are a few pictures of people wearing it at tech conferences!

TV Hat Website
Review: The As-Seen-on-TV Hat, an iPhone-Viewing Visor

Link to iTV Doctor Rick Howe's post about 2D to 3D TV, 3D TV data points, and 3D content distributors

Posted: 09 Jul 2010 04:55 AM PDT

The iTV Doctor is in!:   3D TV: The Gathering Firestorm


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