Technology Information: Raymond.CC Blog: “LiLi the Pretty and Easy to Use Linux Live USB Creator” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “LiLi the Pretty and Easy to Use Linux Live USB Creator” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “LiLi the Pretty and Easy to Use Linux Live USB Creator” plus 1 more

LiLi the Pretty and Easy to Use Linux Live USB Creator

Posted: 22 May 2010 12:02 AM PDT

Paul is the one that normally post about Linux because he is the expert on it but I am going to steal his show today. I just found out about a software that works on Windows called Linux Live USB Creator or short for LiLi which is pretty interesting. There are quite a number of [...]

Salix 13.02 Review – The Slackware Distro that breaks the mold

Posted: 21 May 2010 07:30 PM PDT

For all my time in Linux, I’ve stuck to three major major distributions, namely Xubuntu/Ubuntu from 8.04 to 10.04, as well as Puppy Linux 3.51 to 5.00, and Mandriva since their 2009.1 release. While by no means are these perfect operating systems, but they are standards in which many people hold others to. For example, [...]


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