Technology Information: Open Windows Explorer window in new process - Windows 7 Tips

Open Windows Explorer window in new process - Windows 7 Tips

Open Windows Explorer window in new process - Windows 7 Tips

Open Windows Explorer window in new process - Windows 7 Tips

Posted: 09 May 2010 12:00 AM PDT

You may faced several occasions where crashing an explorer window affect other windows explorer windows too. This is because all the explorer windows opened in the same process. The actual reason for this kind of configuration is about to reduce the over uses of system resources.

If you need to avoid this situation, you need to open all windows explorer windows in different processes. So one windows explorer crash will not affect other windows explorer windows. In Windows 7 you can have the option to open each explorer windows in different processes.

Open New Explorer Windows in New Process in Windows 7

To open new explorer window in new process follow the steps below.

1. Select the folder

2. Press Shift button and right click on it

Open a folder in new process to avoid folder crash

3. Click on Open in New Process

Now the new explorer window will be opened in a new process and it won't affect the crashing of other explorer windows.

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Drag files to command prompt in Windows 7

Posted: 08 May 2010 03:46 AM PDT

In Windows 7 , you don't need to type the lengthy path of a file in command prompt. Instead of that you can simply drag the file( which you need to open in command prompt) to command prompt. The path will be automatically added in command prompt. This dragging files to command prompt to open file path is not available in Windows Vista.

To use this feature simply follow the steps below (very basic steps)

1. Open command prompt (type command in search to get command prompt icon)

2. Simply drag the file which you need to open in command prompt

drag and drop files to command prompt in Windows 7

After dropping the file in command prompt, the complete path of the file will be visible there.

Windows 7 Articles

1. Enable encryption and password protection for your USB memory

2. Create Windows 7 bootable Emergency Repair Disc

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