Technology Information: How to remove / Delete a Wireless (wlan) filter from command prompt

How to remove / Delete a Wireless (wlan) filter from command prompt

How to remove / Delete a Wireless (wlan) filter from command prompt

How to remove / Delete a Wireless (wlan) filter from command prompt

Posted: 16 May 2010 12:46 AM PDT

If there is any wireless filter set on your computer to prevent your computer from connecting to a specific wireless network, you can remove it from command prompt itself. The syntax for the command to delete filter from your computer is:

netsh wlan delete filter permission={allow|block|denyall} ssid=NETWORKNAME networktype={infrastructure|adhoc}

Let us see how we can use this command to delete already created wireless filter from our computer.

First of all we should check whether any wireless filter enabled in our computer or not by typing the following command on command prompt.

netsh wlan show filters

Show already created wireless filters in my computer

If the Wireless AutoConfig Service is not running on your computer, it may show some error message. To enable this service click on the link below.

Start wlansvc (Wireless AutoConfig Service) on your computer

Now we can type the command to delete this wlan filter enabled in our computer.

netsh wlan delete filter permission=block ssid=siju1 networktype=adhoc

Please make sure that your command prompt is running as administrator to run this command. Steps to start your command prompt as administrator are:

Run command prompt as administrator

Delete Wireless Filter from your computer

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