Technology Information: Command prompt utility to Set and Display time zone in Windows 7

Command prompt utility to Set and Display time zone in Windows 7

Command prompt utility to Set and Display time zone in Windows 7

Command prompt utility to Set and Display time zone in Windows 7

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 03:09 AM PDT

There are some DOS prompt commands available to Set ,Display the Time Zone configured in your computer.

Display Configured Time Zone on your Computer

Do you know how to see the time zone set on your Windows 7 computer in command prompt ? There is a DOS prompt command to display the time zone set on your computer. It is

tzutil /g

Using this simple command we can see the current time zone on your computer. To use this command follow the steps below.

1. Start command prompt

2. Type tzutil /g

Now press enter to display the Time Zone configured in this computer.

How to display the current time zone of a windows 7 computer from command prompt

Set a Time Zone on your computer

To set a particular Time Zone on your computer, you can use this DOS prompt command.

tzutil /s

Type this command in DOS prompt with the desired Time Zone and press enter to set your computer to that Time Zone.

Eg: tzutil /s "India Standard Time"

Set different Time Zone on your computer

View available Time Zones in your computer

To view the available Time Zones on your computer, you can use the following command prompt command.

tzutil /l

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