Technology Information: BlackBerry's "iPad" preview video! -- PlayBook

BlackBerry's "iPad" preview video! -- PlayBook

BlackBerry's "iPad" preview video! -- PlayBook

BlackBerry's "iPad" preview video! -- PlayBook

Posted: 28 Sep 2010 02:34 AM PDT

Thanks to Seth Sandler for the link!

More about this topic later...

UPDATE: Getting beyond "Ad-Hoc" Ubiquity: Content Centered Networking at PARC

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 03:47 PM PDT

I recently blogged about some interesting work going on at PARC, "Get what you want, faster, through content-centered networks: Video - Jim Thornton, PARC
After I published the post, I received a comment from someone from PARC with links to additional technical presentations about innovations in networking.  

Van Jacobson Explains It All
If you are interested in ubiquitous & pervasive computing - and creating seamless user experiences across locations and devices,  it  is well worth the 90-minute watch.   
View more videos from PARC, a Xerox company.

In the video below,  Van Jacobson talks about ubiquitous computing, wireless, networking, research, and the challenges of making everything synced and seamlessly inter-operative in the future. In this video, Van Jacobson provides a good overview of the history of the communications/networking industry, and much, much more.  Although the presentation was given in 2006, it is well worth the time.


Here's info about Van Johnson and  abstract of the talk from the Google Tech Talks website:
"Google Tech Talks August 30, 2006 Van Jacobson is a Research Fellow at PARC. Prior to that he was Chief Scientist and co-founder of Packet Design. Prior to that he was Chief Scientist at Cisco. Prior to that he was head of the Network Research group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He's been studying networking since 1969. He still hopes that someday something will start to make sense."

"Today's research community congratulates itself for the success of the internet and passionately argues whether circuits or datagrams are the One True Way. Meanwhile the list of unsolved problems grows. Security, mobility, ubiquitous computing, wireless, autonomous sensors, content distribution, digital divide, third world infrastructure, etc., are all poorly served by what's available from either the research community or the marketplace. I'll use various strained analogies and contrived examples to argue that network research is moribund because the only thing it knows how to do is fill in the details of a conversation between two applications. Today as in the 60s problems go unsolved due to our tunnel vision and not because of their intrinsic difficulty. And now, like then, simply changing our point of view may make many hard things easy."

A similar post can be found on The World Is My Interactive Interface blog.


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