Technology Information: 12/04/10

Workshop on Mobile and Personal Projection: Call for Papers, CHI 2010, May 8, 2011, Vancouver, CA

Workshop on Mobile and Personal Projection: Call for Papers, CHI 2010, May 8, 2011, Vancouver, CA

Workshop on Mobile and Personal Projection: Call for Papers, CHI 2010, May 8, 2011, Vancouver, CA

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 03:56 PM PST

I can't wait to attend CHI 2011!    There will be lots to learn about emerging technologies and interactions at the conference. Here's another call for papers/participation for a workshop session at the conference, via Markus Löchtefeld

CALL FOR PAPERS: MP²: Workshop on Mobile and Personal Projection, a workshop to be held at CHI 2011, Vancouver, CA. May 8,  2011


The workshop will provide an open forum to share information, results, and ideas on current research on mobile and personal projection. The participants will explain, demonstrate and discuss their current research with others in order to receive feedback, criticism and ideas for future work. Concrete selected questions, ideas and concepts will be addressed in various group sessions in which the participants will work on topics such as a design space for mobile and personal projection; user interface, interaction design and application sketches; paper prototypes; or ad-hoc studies using the provided mobile and personal projector hardware. The results of these group sessions will be discussed with all workshop participants. Finally, we will discuss future research areas, challenges and the potential for mobile and personal projection in order to lay the foundations for a research agenda in this field.

Workshop Topics

The workshop looks for contributions on the following and related topics:
  • Applications and interaction techniques for mobile and wearable projection.
  • Personal projection in augmented reality.
  • Interaction with projected interfaces.
  • Projector phones and wearable projectors.
  • Multi-user interactions and applications.
  • Multimodal and personalized (mobile) interfaces.
  • New application areas of mobile projection.
  • Social implications when interacting with projected interfaces.
  • Artistic and unusual ways to utilize mobile projection.
  • New forms of interaction with the environment.

Research Questions

Mobile and personal projection is at a relatively early stage of research. Reflecting this state, the workshop specifically addresses the following fundamental research questions:
  • What are the unique properties and affordances of mobile and personal projection? What are suitable interaction metaphors?
  • What are core application domains that benefit the most from the usage of mobile and personal projection? What are the application contexts and usage requirements that support mobile and personal projection?
  • What are suitable interaction techniques for mobile and personal projection? How can gestures be incorporated? How should visualizations be structured? How can the projected virtual and real images of objects coexist? What is the role of augmented and mixed reality?
  • What is the social impact of mobile and personal projection technologies? How can users manage privacy when using mobile and personal projectors? How does public behavior change with the introduction of mobile and personal projection technologies?
  • How can spontaneous co-located collaboration be supported by mobile and personal projection technologies? How can designs support the exchange of media items between mobile projector phones?
  • What are suitable strategies and methodologies for evaluating mobile and personal projection interfaces? What aspects impact the user experience?


We ask for papers that address one or more of the research questions mentioned above, or that describe findings that relate to these research questions based on systems the authors have built. We welcome position papers (2 pages) as well as papers reporting novel concepts, (first) prototypes, studies, applications or interaction concepts (up to 4 pages). All submissions should be prepared according to the standard HCI Archive format.
Each paper will be receive at least two reviews. All accepted papers will be made available online and will be published at Sun SITE Central Europe (CEUR) Workshop Proceedings.

Mobile and personal projection interfaces are no longer fiction and have received considerable attention recently. Integrated pico-projectors in mobile and wearable devices could make mobile projection ubiquitous within the next few years. Walls, desks, floors, ceilings, t-shirts or palms will act as projection surfaces for these kinds of new devices.
These technological developments offer new opportunities and challenges for novel forms of interaction. Virtual displays can extend beyond physical device boundaries and augment existing objects. There are also new opportunities for spontaneous multi-user interaction. However, issues such as lighting conditions, privacy, and social acceptability also come into play.
We will bring together researchers and practitioners who are concerned with design, development, and implementation of new applications and services using personal mobile and wearable projectors in their user interfaces.

Important Dates

  • January 10, 2011 - Submission Deadline
  • February 4, 2011 - Acceptance Notification
  • March 11, 2011 - Revised Manuscript Due
  • May 8, 2011 - Workshop Date

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg(Germany)
Nokia Research Center,Tampere (Finland)
Swansea University (UK)
DFKI (Germany)
University of Munich (Germany)
University of Duisburg Essen (Germany) & Lancaster University (UK)

More gesture and multi-touch interaction! Windows 7 Navigation with Kinect; Product browser by Immersive Labs,

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 02:06 PM PST

Here are a couple of new natural user interface videos.  The first video, by Evoluce, demonstrates gesture interaction/navigation in Windows 7 applications supported by Kinect. The second video, by Immersive Labs, shows multi-touch product browsing interaction on a large display.

Kinect Treatment of Windows 7, by Evoluce

Evoluce: Leading Surface Technologies

Immersive Labs - Multi-touch Product Browser

Immersive Labs

Buzz about Microsoft's "Light-Induced Shape-Memory Polymer Display Screen" patent application by Erez Kikin-Gil

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 01:52 PM PST

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I have a passion for interactive displays. Imagine my excitement when I learned about Microsoft's recent patent for a display that has a "topography-changing layer including a light-induced shape memory polymer.." !

For the tech-curious, here is the link to the patent application:

Microsoft develops shape-shifting touchscreen
Paul Marks, NewScientist 11/29/10

Clay Dillow, Popsci, 12/1/10

The name on the patent application is Erez Kikin-Gil.  I did a quick search and found someone by the same name who works as a Senior UX Designer at Microsoft.  

According to information on his blog, Tiltool. Erez Kikin-Gil's graduate thesis focused on the development of the Eco-Pod, a TUI (Tangible User Interface) designed to help children develop cognitive skills to support systems thinking.  He has a range of interests, including information visualization, touch interaction, prototyping, product design, and user experience.

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