Technology Information: 02/23/11

Interactive Timeline "Wordle" for WikiLeaks: Explore the Cable Street Database, an Example of Interactive Journalism

Interactive Timeline "Wordle" for WikiLeaks: Explore the Cable Street Database, an Example of Interactive Journalism

Interactive Timeline "Wordle" for WikiLeaks: Explore the Cable Street Database, an Example of Interactive Journalism

Posted: 23 Feb 2011 02:54 AM PST

What can a cloud of words tell us about foreign policy?:
"An interactive analysis of all the 250,000 documents in the so-called Cable Street database" -Aftenposten

Behind the scenes of Aftenposten's Wikileaks visualization
Tracy Boyer, Innovative Interactivity (II), 2/23/11

Eirick Wallem Fossan: Multimedia journalist and Flash developer for Aftenposten.

Comment:  I usually don't blog about political topics, but I felt that this interactive visualization was an effective method of helping the public understand the information/data shared through the Wikileaks process.  

My last post focused on the large multi-touch wall installed at a new library at North Carolina State University.  The library was designed for collaborative activities.  An interactive "Wordle" displayed on a multi-touch wall for students to explore with peers would probably be worth using!    

Public libraries, outfitted with collaborative displays, would also be great places for the people to explore all sorts of visualized data.  

NCSU James B. Hunt Jr. Library has a Perceptive Pixel Multitouch Display and Collaborative Spaces

Posted: 23 Feb 2011 02:55 AM PST

NCSU 'sandbox' lets students touch the technology
Jay Price, Charlotte Observer, 2/22/11

"The Perceptive Pixel display wall, which was switched on this week, is the $100,000 centerpiece of the new Technology Sandbox at the D.H. Hill Library. The sandbox is a room of cutting-edge, interactive hardware that's aimed partly at familiarizing students with the latest high-tech hardware, particularly large displays and gesture-based computing. It was paid for with a federal grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services that is administered by the State Library of North Carolina."

The D.H. Hill Technology Sandbox

James B. Hunt Jr. Library

North Carolina State University Libraries
Perceptive Pixel

How Social Can News Get? SoCon11 Presentation by Lee Rainie, Pew Internet Project

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 02:22 PM PST

If you'd like to learn more about social media,  take a look at the following presentation from the recent SoCon11 conference, "How social can news get?", by Lee Rainie,  Director of the Pew Internet Project:

"Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet Project, discusses the Project's latest findings at the SoCon11 conference. He goes through trends in social media use in the last five years of the Project's data. He explores how the turn to pervasive, participatory, personal, and portable news changes the way news consumers and producers behave and think about the role of news in their lives." - Pew Internet and American Life Project

Quite a few topics were covered at the conference, which can be found on the SoCon11 Agenda site.

Raymond.CC Blog - Workaround for Unable to Add Other Mail Account on iPad

Raymond.CC Blog - Workaround for Unable to Add Other Mail Account on iPad

Workaround for Unable to Add Other Mail Account on iPad

Posted: 23 Feb 2011 12:00 AM PST

I am not a fan of gadgets released by Apple such as iPhone, iPad, iPod and etc but the irony of it is I bought an iPad for my wife as a present for the last Christmas. There are times when she had to be with our baby and there’s nothing to do, so an [...]

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