Technology Information: 02/05/11

Quick Link via Itvt: Miniweb's woomi Connected-TV "Marketplace" Goes Live on Samsung Connected TV's in the UK

Quick Link via Itvt: Miniweb's woomi Connected-TV "Marketplace" Goes Live on Samsung Connected TV's in the UK

Quick Link via Itvt: Miniweb's woomi Connected-TV "Marketplace" Goes Live on Samsung Connected TV's in the UK

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 03:41 PM PST

Immersive Labs' Intelligent Interactive Display/Billboard App Demo

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 02:05 PM PST

"If a "Minority Report" future was possible, and if it is coming, how do we create a model of it that is not intrusive, that is fun to play with, that is social, that is respectful and not intrusive, that doesn't invade people's privacy?" -Jason Sosa, CEO, Immersive Labs

Future of Advertising Technology (Immersive Labs demo from 2 years ago)

Future of Advertising Technology from Immersive Labs on Vimeo.

Immersive Labs is looking for an interactive developer!

Some of my thoughts on this topic:  Interactive Touch-Screen Technology, Participatory Design, and "Getting It" - Revisited

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