Technology Information: 06/07/11

A few interesting tech links from Experienta/Putting People First and HCI 596 Blog

A few interesting tech links from Experienta/Putting People First and HCI 596 Blog

A few interesting tech links from Experienta/Putting People First and HCI 596 Blog

Posted: 07 Jun 2011 03:00 AM PDT

No time for reflective blogging today, so here are a few interesting links!

The future of the TV Experience 
(Article discusses Blink, a media industry magazine)

Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces Conference (DPPI 11)

Cambridge Consultants: Patients Want More User-Friendly Medical Devices
Levent Ozler, Dexinger, 6/3/11

Internet of things blurs the lines of bits and atoms
Katia Moskvitch, BBC News, 6/2/11

NESTA: Hot Topics: Digital You-Discussion about Telepresence

Hot Topics - Digital You from NESTA UK on Vimeo.

NESTA is the UK's National Endowment for Science, Technology, and the Arts

The following links provide a wealth of resources related to emerging technologies and human-computer interaction:
Experientia - Putting People First blog
HCI  596 blog 
"This blog is for the HCI 596 course being taught at Iowa State University through it's Human-Computer Interaction program."

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