Technology Information: 10/25/10

Augmented Reality Eyeglasses: I AM geeky enough to make this fashion statement!

Augmented Reality Eyeglasses: I AM geeky enough to make this fashion statement!

Augmented Reality Eyeglasses: I AM geeky enough to make this fashion statement!

Posted: 24 Oct 2010 12:09 PM PDT

Jason Sosa tweeted about the latest trend, the AR Walker, augmented reality for your glasses. This technology from NTT DoCoMo allows you to instantly access location-based information about the things around you. This would be very convenient for people walking about in urban areas, or for tourists. The system also provides easy access to other kinds of information. For example, if you look up towards the sky, you'll get weather information...beyond what you'd figure out on your own.

Of course, the fashionable get-up is in the prototype stage, so you won't be able be seen in public with the newest type of shades anytime soon. For more information, see the video below:


Total Immersion's Partner Success Story: Demo Reel of AR&Co in Indonesia

Cross posted on The World Is My Interactive Interface blog.

Technology, Entertainment, Design, and More: Videos of Recent TEDx Presentations in Charlotte, NC

Posted: 24 Oct 2010 06:11 AM PDT

What is TED?

"TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Oxford UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and Open TV Project, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize" -TED

If you haven't heard,  the original version of TED "Ideas Worth Spreading" has spread around the world.  Charlotte's home-grown version, TEDx was held on September 24, 2010. What is TEDx?    "TEDx is a program that enables local communities such as schools businesses, neighborhoods or just groups of friends to organize, design and host their own TED-like events." 

Unfortunately,  I wasn't able to attend  TEDxCharlotte Fortunately, the presentations were captured on HD video and uploaded to the  TEDx Charlotte YouTube channel.  (I haven't watched them all, but as I learn more about each presenter, I'll update this post.)

The following TEDxCharlotte videos were organized in the order of presentation by Justin Ruckman and shared on his blog post, Video from TEDxCharlotte!

Tracy Russ (CEO, Russ Communications)& Q  (Founder, OnQ Productions

Roger Baumgarte, Professor Emeritus (Psychology), Winthrop University

 "Mid career, he made an abrupt change in the focus of his professional research, from short-memory to cross-cultural psychology as a result of personal experiences he had with close friendships while on a year-long sabbatical teaching at the American University in Paris." -SEITAR NC
John Silvia, Chief Economist, Wells Fargo

Patrick Dougherty, World Renown NC Sculptor

Nature of Man

Rich Deming, Co-Leader, Slow Food Charlotte
Randy Powell, Senior Researcher, Vortex-Based Mathematics Project
 "Math is the Voice of God"  The Rodin/Powell Solution: A New Approach to Vortex Based Mathematics
Irina Ly, Founding Co-Director, Community Education Project

 Tim Will, Executive Director, Foothills Connect Business & Technology Center
Robert Kosara, UNC-Charlotte, Department of Computer Science (Author of Eager Eyes)
Note:  I learned nearly everything I know about information visualization from taking Dr. Kosara's graduate course, Information Visualization and Visual Communication,  following his blog, and also following his links to awesome related research and ideas percolating amongst those in the infovis community.   Although I took the course in 2008, keeping up with infovis and visual communication an on-going process, since this field is rapidly growing and transforming.

Katie Wyatt, Abreu Fellow (TED), Founder, KidzNotes

Tom Low, Architect at Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co
Doc Hendley, Founder, Wine to Water 
Herb Jackson, Douglas C. Houchens Professor of Art, Davidson College
John Boyer, President and CEO, Bechtler Museum of Modern Art
FYI: My only connection to the Bechtler is my daughter, who spent a little bit of time during one of her internships photographing what she described as "awesome" works of art, helping out with a cataloging project for the Bechtler museum before it opened.  She now works as the coordinator of development at the Light Factory: Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film.
Plug: The Light Factory's educational program provides courses in photography and film including offerings for adults.   
Molly Barker, Founder, Girls on the Run

"Girls on the Run is a non-profit international program that inspires girls to Honor Their Bodies, Celebrate Their Voices, Embrace their Gifts and Activate Their Power. Our program is currently in over 150 cities across North America". Molly Barker's blog
John Love, Interdisciplinary Literary and Performance Artist

Below is an excerpt of an interview of John Love, posted in 2006 on the Weird Charlotte blog.  Given the de-evolution of Charlotte's banking industry and the long-lasting grip of the economic downturn,  his words are worth heeding, especially if our region's community wants to avoid following down the path of my birthplace, Detroit Michigan. (FYI: I left the Detroit area with my husband and two small children to make a new home in Charlotte in 1990.)

WC: What would help make Charlotte a more vibrant cultural city?
John: The pursuit of living poetically.
WC: What can we do right now to make Charlotte a more vibrant cultural city?
John: Be a player who creates the game, owns a piece of the game, and shares the game with the rest of the world. In fashion, art, theatre, film, music, design, and all things that define a culture, support the creation of the product here, create the product here, use the product here, value the product here, evolve the product here, and sell the product to everyone else. Don't just be a consumer or an interpreter. Be an originator and make it all so exquisite that everyone wants a piece.
Artists at TEDxCharlotte 2010

More info to come!

Just in case you were thinking of hosting your own local TEDx event:
TED's advice for creating effective multimedia presentations of TEDx talks

Raymond.CC Blog - AVERT Full Scan Your Computer with 8 Antivirus Engines

Raymond.CC Blog - AVERT Full Scan Your Computer with 8 Antivirus Engines

AVERT Full Scan Your Computer with 8 Antivirus Engines

Posted: 25 Oct 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Once I’ve remotely seen a computer running a few antivirus installed together with the real time protection enabled via teamviewer. You may think that it’s impossible because normally the antivirus setup installer will check for any installed antivirus before allowing you to proceed with the installation. It is in fact possible if you know where [...]

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