Technology Information: 01/19/11

"Hi, Google. My name is Johnny" Johnny Chung Lee leaves Microsoft. (I still wish I could be Johnny Chung Lee for a day.)

"Hi, Google. My name is Johnny" Johnny Chung Lee leaves Microsoft. (I still wish I could be Johnny Chung Lee for a day.)

"Hi, Google. My name is Johnny" Johnny Chung Lee leaves Microsoft. (I still wish I could be Johnny Chung Lee for a day.)

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:30 PM PST

"Hi, Google.  My name is Johnny"  Johnny Chung Lee announced on his Procrastineering blog that he's accepted a position at Google as a "Rapid Evaluator".   I'm not sure what he will be doing in this position, but his title is intriguing!

Here are some of my previous posts devoted to the work of Johnny Chung Lee:

I wish I could be Johnny Chung Lee for a Day!  Tracking fingers with the Wii Remote
Video Clips of Projects Inspired by Johnny Chung Lee
More about Project Natal:  Richochet - Great Gaming for Fitness, Johnnie Chung Lee's Contribution

I STILL wish I could be Johnny Chung Lee for a day!

Microsoft Kinect Developer Johnny Chung Lee Jumps Ships and Lands at Google
Leena Rao, TechCrunch, 1/18/11
What Microsoft Kinect Defection to Google Means
Rich Tehrani, TMCnet Blog 1/18/11
Microsoft Loses a Top Kinect Researcher to Google
Tricia Duryee,Yahoo! Finance, 1/18/11

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