Technology Information: 06/08/10

New iPhone, 3G, NOT 4G, June 21st: Front-facing camera with HD video and editing capability. Available through AT &T. Post includes video.

New iPhone, 3G, NOT 4G, June 21st: Front-facing camera with HD video and editing capability. Available through AT &T. Post includes video.

New iPhone, 3G, NOT 4G, June 21st: Front-facing camera with HD video and editing capability. Available through AT &T. Post includes video.

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 03:51 AM PDT

Fast Facts:
3G, NOT 4G :[
The square rim is the antennae.
960 by 640 resolution.
3.5-inch screen.
Multiple applications at the same time.
Stronger battery life.
Video recording in high definition: Shoot and edit capabilities!
Front-facing video camera for video calls and conferences.
5 mega pixel camera.
AT&T. No Verizon : [

-Wall Street Journal

Apple iPhone 4 Website

-Wall Street Journal Online

Can Wrong Keywords in Domain name hurt my website rank in Google, Yahoo and Bing ?

Can Wrong Keywords in Domain name hurt my website rank in Google, Yahoo and Bing ?

Can Wrong Keywords in Domain name hurt my website rank in Google, Yahoo and Bing ?

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 12:28 AM PDT

Do you really believe in the advantage of adding targeting keywords in your domain name and expect a boost in major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing ? Better I am not discussing again about this as I already wrote an article about the
importance of keywords in domain name. To read that please click on the link below.

Does keyword rich domain name help better Search Result rank

Some of the issues with wrong keywords in your domain name are discussed below.

Wrong keywords in domain name can give false information to Search Engine Spiders

While reading the domain name of your website, Search Engine spiders may get a false impression about your business and there is a chance that your website may rank well for the keywords which you never want to rank well.

Inbound links without anchor text can harm your ranking in actual keywords

Do you know why inbound links without anchor text harm your ranks in actual keywords ? It is because as long as there is no anchor text (text on link), while following the link spiders may think this link as a vote for your website in the keywords mentioned in your domain name. So that link actually increase your website ranking for keywords in your domain name instead of your actual keywords.

Wrong keywords in domain name can confuse Users

While discussing whether wrong keywords in domain name actually hurt our website rank or not we need to think in users view also. Most of the users will get a wrong impression about your business while reading your domain name. So it can hurt the
flow of targeted visit to your website. For example if you are a tour coordinator in Europe but the domain name having keywords related to website development services in Miami , even though you got a good position in Google Search Result, users will be confused. Some users just read the title tag and the description in Search Result but many users read the website domain name too. So if the user is searching for a possible vocation spot in Switzerland ( fortunately your website included in the first 10 search result as You have well optimized your website for the keywords Tourism in Switzerland) but your domain name is like www.webdesign-in-miami-***.com, see how much users will get confused ! So there is a chance that the user may avoid your website and go for next result.

Recover from wrong keywords issue

You can still rank well in correct keywords by getting valid quality backlinks from relevant websites with proper anchor text. So even if you have a domain name with wrong keywords no need to worry much as long as you are able to get valid backlinks in proper keywords but my suggestion is pick right domain name for your business and avoid all other troubles.

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1. Optimize blogger templates for better result

2. How link juice transfer works in Google

3. Rules to write proper robots.txt for your website

4. Unknown email address verified in Google Webmastertools

Technology Blog

Configure Internet Connection in BSNL Teracom Modem

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 03:19 AM PDT

To configure Internet in BSNL Teracom modem we don't need to follow the steps in the setup CD. We can directly login to the Teracom modem and configure the Internet by typing the user name and Password from BSNL. Here I am presenting the steps to configure BSNL Teracom modem in PPPoE configuration.

Configure Internet Connection in BSNL Teracom Modem

To configure Internet connection in Teracom modem follow the steps below.

1. Login to BSNL Teracom Wireless Modem

Type on the address bar of your browser to login Teracom modem.
login to BSNL Teracom  modem to setup Internet connection

Default BSNL modem user name and password is :

User Name: admin
Password : admin

Click OK. Now you will be on BSNL modem configuration page.
BSNL Teracom modem Internet configuration steps

2. Click on Configuration Tab

Now click on Internet Connection to configure Internet in BSNL Teracom modem.

Deleting previous connections in BSNL modem

3. Remove old connections configured in BSNL mode
If you see any connections already made in the modem ,select the connection and remove them.
Delete previous Internet connections in BSNL  modem

4. Add new connection in BSNL modem

Now click on the add button on the bottom of the page to create a new connection.
Add new Internet connection in BSNL Modem

Now add following parameters in Internet Connection Configuration.
PVC Name: PVC0

VCI : 35

Service Category : UBR with PCR

Keep all other information the default and click Next.

5. Configure Connection Type

Now select PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) and LLC/ SNAP.

Select PPPoE for teracom BSNL modem

Now click Next.

6. Configure WAN IP Settings in BSNL Modem

Select Obtain IP Automatically. Make sure NAT and Default Route is checked.

Configure WAN IP Settings in BSNL Modem

Click on Next.

7. Set User Name and Password in BSNL Modem
Set user name and password in Teracom BSNL Modem

Now type the user name and password provided by BSNL and click Next.

Now you will come to the summary page.
How to Setup Internet connection in BSNL Modem

Click on Apply.

8. Reboot BSNL Modem

Click on Admin tab and then click on reboot.
Reboot BSNL Modem

From drop down menu select Last and click on Reboot. Now wait 1 minute to let the modem reboot. After this close the window and check your Internet connection.

In order to configure wireless on your BSNL Modem click on the link below.

Setup Wireless and Wireless Security in BSNL Modem

Related Topics

1. Increase Broadband Internet Speed

2. How to Check my Broadband Speed

3. Check Tata Photon Plus Internet Usage and Details

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Raymond.CC Blog: “Giveaway: Website-Watcher 2010 The Best Webpage Update Monitoring Software” plus 1 more

Giveaway: Website-Watcher 2010 The Best Webpage Update Monitoring Software

Posted: 08 Jun 2010 12:00 AM PDT

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Posted: 07 Jun 2010 07:30 PM PDT

Recently, I was looking for a firewall for Windows 7, and despite what you might think, that’s much harder then it sounds. The reason being is that I’m using WinPatrol for my HIPS and I don’t want to have a second one on m system, striking out Online Armor. Although, I found out later you [...]

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