Technology Information: 07/21/10

The Weather Channel on Microsoft Surface at WPC 2010

The Weather Channel on Microsoft Surface at WPC 2010

The Weather Channel on Microsoft Surface at WPC 2010

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 08:40 PM PDT

Below is a video of a demonstration of the Weather Channel application for Microsoft Surface:

The Weather Channel on Microsoft Surface
Eric Havir, MSDN Blog, 7/19/2010

The Weather Channel

Raymond.CC Blog: “Glasnost Tells If Your ISP is Limiting Torrent Speed in 8 Minutes” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “Glasnost Tells If Your ISP is Limiting Torrent Speed in 8 Minutes” plus 1 more

Glasnost Tells If Your ISP is Limiting Torrent Speed in 8 Minutes

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 12:06 AM PDT

BitTorrent technology has been around for quite some time now and I guess many of you should already know how to download stuff from there. Actually BitTorrent is a very effective way of sharing files and it is used by many pirates to spread movies, softwares and etc. There are also legit sites such as [...]

Edit and modify PDF forms and files for free!

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 07:34 PM PDT

Recently I’ve had to run into a huge problem: I’ve had to fill in an online form, in PDF format, and submit it back online in, once more, PDF format. This was to re-apply for my school that I’m going to be going to in September so I can learn about databases for my second [...]

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