Technology Information: 05/19/10

Raymond.CC Blog: “Conficker Worm is Still Circulating in TM Datacenter” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “Conficker Worm is Still Circulating in TM Datacenter” plus 1 more

Conficker Worm is Still Circulating in TM Datacenter

Posted: 19 May 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Probably many of you have heard of the Conficker worm that has infected probably millions of computers in the whole world. As long as the computer is running an unpatched Windows XP or Vista, or without an Internet Security or Antivirus that can detect Conficker, chances are the worm could have found their way in. [...]

Installing via Terminal and Compiling Files from Source

Posted: 18 May 2010 07:30 PM PDT

Installing files under Windows is simple: a double click on the file, then repeated hitting of the “next” button until you get to that license agreement, before you accept it. Once accepted, it does it’s thing, then hocus pocus, the job’s done and you can use that new application/game. But in Linux, I’m afraid life’s [...]

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