Technology Information: Will the iPad rejuvenate journalism and sustain the growth of "slow media"? -Video via ZDNet

Will the iPad rejuvenate journalism and sustain the growth of "slow media"? -Video via ZDNet

Will the iPad rejuvenate journalism and sustain the growth of "slow media"? -Video via ZDNet

Will the iPad rejuvenate journalism and sustain the growth of "slow media"? -Video via ZDNet

Posted: 05 Aug 2010 05:01 PM PDT

The Summit at Stanford 2010 wrapped up at the end of July. Those who had the $1995.00 to attend were treated to two and 1/2 days of highlights of "significant economic, political and commercial trends affecting the global technology industries".

The videoclip below, taken during the Stanford Summit, is an excerpt of a discussion of a panel about journalism in the era of the iPad - Michael Arrington, founder of TechCrunch, Tony Perkins, moderator of the panel and founder of AlwaysOn, Quentin Hardy of Forbes, and Robert Scoble of Scobelizer theorize that longer-forms of journalism might have a new life on the iPad, based on its beautiful, touchable design.

Goodbye, "McDonald News"?

Here are 5 examples of the 100 movers and shakers who presented at the Stanford Summit, as posted on the conference website:
Matt Grob
Matt Grob
Sr. VP, Engineering and Head of Corporate Research and Development, Qualcomm
Jaron Lanier
Jaron Lanier
Author, You Are Not a Gadget, 2010 Time Magazine top 100 most influential people list,
Phil McKinney
Phil McKinney
Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Personal Systems Group, Hewlett-Packard Company
Barry Silbert
Dwight Badger
Dwight Badger
CEO, Advanced Equities

Qualcomm's Matt Grob on Augmented Reality
Andrew Bellay, AlwaysOn, 7/28/10


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