Technology Information: Raymond.CC Blog: “What’s My Computer Doing? Shows Programs Accessing Hard Disk or CPU” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “What’s My Computer Doing? Shows Programs Accessing Hard Disk or CPU” plus 1 more

Raymond.CC Blog: “What’s My Computer Doing? Shows Programs Accessing Hard Disk or CPU” plus 1 more

What’s My Computer Doing? Shows Programs Accessing Hard Disk or CPU

Posted: 27 May 2010 12:03 AM PDT

Windows operating system is actually very complex. If you don’t run any software, it doesn’t mean that Windows is not working. If you don’t believe me, try running Process Monitor and you will see constant reading and writing of files and registry. About two years ago I written an article to find out what program [...]

Free Lavasoft Ad-Aware Plus License for a Year for all

Posted: 26 May 2010 07:30 PM PDT

Lavasoft is one of those companies that you used to hear about a lot in the past, but as of recent, has become less and less popular. While I’ve only used the Lavasoft Ad-Aware Free version back in 2008 when I was infected with Vundo, I have not used it as of recent, instead relying [...]


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