Technology Information: Changing Wireless Channel to Improve Wireless Signal Quality

Changing Wireless Channel to Improve Wireless Signal Quality

Changing Wireless Channel to Improve Wireless Signal Quality

Changing Wireless Channel to Improve Wireless Signal Quality

Posted: 10 May 2010 12:23 AM PDT

There are so many factors which actually affect the quality of a wireless signal. Possible wireless interference, obstacles in-front of wireless signals etc. But some times you can improve the quality of your wireless signals by changing the wireless signal channel. By considering the wireless broadcast from a wireless router or Access Point, it has multiple wireless channels starting from Channel 1 to 11. Among these wireless channels, the useful channels are channel 1,6 and 11. We should set our wireless broadcast in any one of these wireless channels.

Changing Wireless channel.. will it improve signal quality?

Changing Wireless channels can improve the signal quality if there is an interference present in current wireless channel. It is possible to have so many wireless interference in channel 1 and unfortunately, your wireless signals broadcast in wireless channel 1. Here you can improve your wireless signal quality by changing the wireless channel to either 6 or 11.

Changing wireless channel will not change the frequency of your wireless signal

If you have wireless G (2.4 GHz) broadcasting and have the interference from other wireless G(802.11g) or B (802.11b)device, changing wireless channel itself will not fix the issue. But you can reduce it by changing the wireless channel to a different channel as usually most of the wireless devices have channel 6 is the default wireless channel.

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