Technology Information: Easily Be the Best MalwareCity Malware Catcher and Win BitDefender 2010 License

Easily Be the Best MalwareCity Malware Catcher and Win BitDefender 2010 License

Did you know that MalwareCity, a community website set up by BitDefender is having a contest where you have to prove yourself as the best malware catcher to win a free legal BitDefender 2010 license for 1 year? What you need to do is browse through MalwareCity’s website and try to look for the “Catch Him” image which you can click on it to submit your entry. The contest starts on 14 December, and ends on 21 December 2009. Now if the website has tons of articles, it’d be time consuming and tedius for you to browse through every article just to look for that image.

Fortunately I know of a method that can help you automate the process of searching for that image. It took me less than 5 minutes to search where the “Catch Me” image is located at. I personally don’t think this is cheating because I am using my computer knowledge and skills to be the best malware catcher!

First, you will need a website downloader or some people call it offline browser to automatic crawl and download all contents from a link. My personal favorite is Offline Explorer because it is packed with tons of features which makes it very powerful. Unfortunately it is shareware
but you can use it without any limitations for 30 days. Then you crawl MalwareCity’s website with Offline Explorer and when finished, use a textcrawler to search for the image filename and see where it is located. Not sure what am I talking about? Follow the steps below and perhaps you can get a better idea.

1. Download and install Offline Explorer

2. Run Offline Explorer and when the New Project Wizard dialog box
appears, enter at the Project URL and click Next.

3. Make sure Levels limit is checked and the value is 1. Click Next.

4. Make sure that Download all files that are linked to the starting page is selected and click Next.

5. Make sure that Load only within the starting URL is selected and Load images from any location is checked. Click Next.

6. Make sure that Download the new Project now is selected and click Next. Offline Explorer will start downloading the whole MalwareCity’s website. When finished downloading, continue step 7.

7. Download TextCrawler and install.

8. Run TextCrawler, set it up with the information below and click the Find button.

Filename/Filter: *.*
Start Location: C:\download\
Find: catch_him.jpg

9. In a few seconds, a list of searched results will appear in TextCrawler. Take note of the Path and File Name. Those are the links where the catch_me.jpg image are found and most likely is the place for you to join in the BitDefender 2010 giveaway. Open the REAL URL in your web browser and look for the catch_me.jpg image. Click on it and a form for you to join the giveaway should appear.

Now you’ve easily beaten the contest. All you need now is a little bit of luck to be chosen as one of the winners of BitDefender 2010. Best of luck to you and hope that you’ve learned something new today.


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