Technology Information: Compiling a Non-Sockets version of Kigen’s Anti-Cheat 1.2.0 Beta

Compiling a Non-Sockets version of Kigen’s Anti-Cheat 1.2.0 Beta

SteamBans Detox Anti-Cheat project is officially dead and currently the only good anticheat plugins
are KAC and zBlock. KAC runs on SourceMod and zBlock is an independent server plugin. I personally prefer to use KAC because it’s open source and you can modify the plugin to suit your needs. Kigen’s Anti-Cheat (KAC) is a more advanced cheat CVar detector than ES Anti-Cheat or VBAC and was designed to detect most cheats. It will query and check for most cheat prone CVars and replicated CVars. Most cheats today currently disable CVar replication and also turn off sv_consistency and turn on sv_cheats and thus this plugin will detect those cheats. This plugin will enforce sv_cheats 0 on most servers.

The official stable version for KAC is 1.1.9 and there are 2 versions, the regular and no sockets version. Many server admins would prefer to go for the no sockets version because they can avoid installing an extension called sockets which is quite unnecessary. Other than that, if you have custom modified version of KAC, you wouldn’t want it to be automatically updated when a new version is out. Kigen has released KAC 1.2.0 beta with many improvements to detect cheaters and this time it requires Sockets 3.0.0 alpha or later versions or else KAC wouldn’t load. Since there isn’t a non-socket version for the KAC 1.2.0 beta, I’ve decided to check out the code and managed to compile KAC 1.2.0 beta without requiring sockets.

1. Download KAC 1.2.0 Beta Source Code.

2. Extract the ZIP file, go to scripting folder and edit the kigen-ac-pub.sp file with a text editor. I recommend you to use Notepad++ to do that.

3. Comment out line number 56, 100, 162 and 383 by adding double slash // at the beginning of the code.

4. Save the edited kigen-ac-pub.sp file and run compile.exe from scripting folder.

5. Go to compiled folder and you should have a newly compiled kigen-ac-pub.smx that can be loaded without sockets.

I can provide an already compiled KAC 1.2.0 beta without sockets but it’d be better if you learn how to do it yourself. Reason is KAC 1.2.0 is in BETA and when it gets updated to a new build, you are able to edit and compile it yourself rather than depending on this site. Kigen did mention that sockets doesn’t cause any lag, but logically less means faster because it doesn’t need to run extra commands.


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